Check A Pro Joe talks to co-owner, Cody Johnson from Garage Door Doctor in Houston, Texas. Cody and Joe talk about what happens when your torsion spring breaks on your garage door. Not all contractors are created equal! Listen to find out more...
Garage Door Doctor Is Family Owned and Operated. They Have Been Providing Expert Residential Garage Door Service and Garage Door Installations Since 1987. Same Day Service! Our Fleet Of Service Trucks Are Completely Stocked With The Parts Necessary To Repair That Broken Garage Door, Remote Transmitter, Garage Door Opener Problems, Rollers, Hinges, Weatherstrip, Doors Off Tracks or Broken Door Cables. They Can Fix It! Call Today -
(281) 343-3632
For more information about Garage Door Doctor in Houston, Texas log on to https://www.garagedoordoctor.biz or check them out at www.checkapro.com.
Visit Us At - Garage Door Doctor
Podcast Episode Transcription:
This is the Check A Pro radio show check a pro Joe has assembled a team of pre-qualified home service contractors to bring you the latest in services products and techniques now here's your host the man with a hard hat and tool belt check a pro Joe back here in the checker pro radio studios loving what I do I love helping you the homeowner find pre-qualified home service providers I've been doing this for a very long time almost 20 years and I'm here to help you today get connected with a great garage door company garage door doctor in today from garage door doctor is Cody Johnson and you grew up in the business Oh yes this is what I've done well really since in high school when I finished high school this is what I did so I I did this part time I went to University of Houston played football there go Cougars and you know when football wasn't going on this is what I did after either after college classes or were on the weekend if we didn't have football going on so I did that part time and then when I was done with college II came on full time and thank God that the customers have been good to us and keep on calling so yeah you don't really know any better it's in your blood it really is growing up you didn't see your father doing anything different from this Oh no yeah I didn't get to see him do anything else to me he's always garage door doctor and matter of fact even in even when I was in school I learned real quick don't get in trouble don't get sick because when you're in trouble or sick you got to go to work with dad of course when you're sick you thought you got to stay home and watch prices right but that didn't work out for me so I remember staying home watching the prices right here is Cody’s number over garage door doctor it's 281-343-3632 easy number to remember put it in your phone because you don't know when you're going to have a crisis and when it happens it can happen very quickly sometimes you don't even know what happened now if you hear a Big Bang in your garage and someone didn't discharge a shotgun it's probably your spring right yes absolutely if you hear a big puff and it shakes your whole house it's probably the spring that broke and if the spring breaks you're not going to get that garage door up do not try to have your garage door open or do that work and do not you know disengage it from the garage door opener and try to lift it yourself unless you're Hercules it's not what you're supposed to do not mess with it call coding this team over garage door doctor that's why I'm giving him the phone number put it in your phone 281-343-3632 but I got a better deal how would you like to meet Cody and his family at no charge to you and they're going to come out and take a look at your garage door at no charge to you get a free garage door inspection or nearly $125 absolutely free today yes call us we'll come inspect it we will look at it to give you some we'll go through our 29 point inspection my whole entire team is basically my family so they're you know even if they're not related by blood they're still family I still think of them as my kids they're my babies that's why I call them so they don't like it when they're 30 years old and I call my baby but that's what I call you call me a baby cause I'm but when you get to a certain age Cody you can you can certainly call an old person and they'll be like thank you look so young yes but yeah that's you know we treat everybody like family I keep telling that to my team I said you know we want to treat everybody like they're your mom really that how would you treat your mom here well I would want mom to be given options if there's an issue and give her some options cheap middle high grade mom what do you want to do Oh well son what's the what route would you go we can we can tell you what we would recommend but really we're here just to give a menu of options is really what the what our goal is if there's any options to even be given because you may be having a clean bill of health and that would be great for you absolutely get a free garage door inspection not 125 it's free there is no obligation better yet though get the free garage door inspection and the lube and tune with new rollers for only $170 that's right you'll get the garage door inspection you'll get the new rollers and the Lube and tune you'll know what's going on with your garage door and by the time coding is team leave your home that garage door is going to be running quieter and smoother Oh yes that's what our goal is I want that thing as smoothness quite as possible I want it also to be as safe as possible so and that we do always need to come back to safety there's reason there there's reasons there's code that that determines what safety is the opener needs the reason for that is because it's an animals were killed so this is it's weird you don't think of it that much oh that can't be dangerous it's one of the most dangerous things in your house and you don't even know it please don't let your kids hang on the door either please so yeah that was one of our pastimes when I was young we used we used to let the garage door pick us up and let us down and pick us up and let us down the way that some of these some of these manufacturers have started installed these doors please don't do that you can tear this door up and more importantly if it gets torn up it may come crashing down that these are actually quite fragile systems you may not understand it until it breaks on you but it's actually quite a fragile system even if it's the 800 pound one it's a fragile system so it doesn't take much to make these things go off track it really doesn't please keep your kids off of it I would not allow I'll go over this this is one thing I even got I've got eight kids eight kids Joe so I don't find that hard to believe but congratulations for you I guess right but you know so Mike I'm told radio listener can't hear it can't see that but I'm 6 foot eight so most of my kids are around my hip or my chest OK so when a garage door is opening up they want to walk underneath it when it's past their eye level if the doors not if the door still moving do not go underneath the moving door just don't the risk that you're taking there if something weird happens in the door collapses or falls it can it can end a life and I'm not here to put fear in anybody it's just respect it OK it is something that is dangerous let that door finish moving before you go underneath it please we take it for granted yes we really don't know a lot about it we're like well that button on the wall over there when you press the button it'll go up and then when you press it it'll go down and actually if you want to stop it as it's going up you can press the button it will stop OK no harm on that OK also in the car you either have a remote that came with your garage door opener or you programmed it into the system of the car and it's like a light switch when you flip it on you expect the lights to go on it's the same thing we don't really know any better but Cody is right it's very dangerous if something goes awry with the door you don't want a door that weighs hundreds of pounds careening down on you Cody said it could kill you could also paralyze you if it hits your head it's going to I mean it could crush your spinal cord and this and you know it's not even me saying this has happened just look up garage door injuries so now the other half of the grocery industry injuries sorry is from mechanical or high mechanical people that are messing with the cables the springs the bottom brackets and drums that's how you lose fingers and that's how you get stitches in your head so I just need to understand that that stuff's under tension and be careful I would suggest not to do it call us the doctor but garage door Dr. the springs the cables there and actually the garage doors are sharp there's just so many things that can really injure you we still have some more time here on checker pro radio so don't go anywhere Cody’s number 281-343-3632 we'll beginning at the number after the break as well stand by check a pro is your local source for pre-qualified contractors stay tuned for more of the Check A Pro radio show.