On the podcast today, Check A Pro Joe talks to co-owner, Cody Johnson from Garage Door Doctor in Houston, Texas. Cody talks about their 21 point garage door inspection and the importance of getting your garage door inspected on a regular basis. Listen to find out more...
Garage Door Doctor Is Family Owned and Operated. They Have Been Providing Expert Residential Garage Door Service and Garage Door Installations Since 1987. Same Day Service! Our Fleet Of Service Trucks Are Completely Stocked With The Parts Necessary To Repair That Broken Garage Door, Remote Transmitter, Garage Door Opener Problems, Rollers, Hinges, Weatherstrip, Doors Off Tracks or Broken Door Cables. They Can Fix It! Call Today -
(281) 343-3632
For more information about Garage Door Doctor in Houston, Texas log on to https://www.garagedoordoctor.biz or check them out at www.checkapro.com.
Visit Us At - Garage Door Doctor
And we're back here from the Check A Pro radio studios Cody Johnson is joining me from garage door doctor Cody welcome back thank you it's so great to have you here we were talking about the 29 point inspection and you were moving through that you don't need to talk about all 29 points but before we get back to that though I do want to remind everybody if you would like to get your garage door inspected Cody and his team from garage door doctor are giving away a limited amount of the free garage door inspections today here on the radio program we had eight to begin with there's only six left call now 281-343-3632 again 281-343-3632 that is the number to get your free garage door inspection why might you get an inspected why would they because something doesn't seem right they just moved into the house maybe they don't know if they just moved into the house if they're about to sell the house this is one of the number one red flags that they inspectors gonna hit because the inspector needs to hit something and and so they look good that's the way they look good and these are easy targets for them to hit when I when they give that over to the new potential home buyer that's going to create some strife there because they're right legally and you have literally codes safety tests and stuff like that that it needs to pass so these are things that we can knock off that list before the inspector even gets to it and you'll have a piece of paper saying safe passes safety test so and it's free it's free Oh my gosh why you calling out 281343 3632 before we get to the 29 point inspection before we complete that the Lube and tune I need to talk about that with new rollers I see this here on my sheet let's talk about the lubin Toon with new rollers there's a special the regular price is $250 correct what's the special price so only for your members basically we're gonna do a coupon of $55 off OK because you said bring a second offer bring a second brought it bring it OK and then on top of that the the customer can stack the VIP card that that check a pro gives of another 25 off so really all in the customer is looking at $170 for lubin tune that'll include the 29 point inspection and we'll tune up the door so yes wow so either way if you just want the garage door inspection that's ordinarily 125 it's free today but if you want the Lube and tune with a new rollers and what that's gonna do it's gonna quiet things down a lot it's gonna run smoother and your parts all the parts including the garage door operator the actual opener should last longer because there's going to be less friction just the rollers themselves are going to Oh yeah I mean the rollers alone make the door work a lot smoother assuming that your rollers are in bad condition they'll be the first ones to tell you hey these are perfect OK but if your house is five years or older rollers have a lifespan like everything else so in a lot of stuff if it came from the builder some of these don't even have ball bearings Joe they don't even have ball bearings they're just little plastic Shim groaning down the track and then if it's a metal roller it sounds The train going down down the tracks tick tick tick tick tick so how much is the builder really saving I mean come on pennies it's it's $100 maybe on a door it's really the installing company that's bidding it out because if the installing companies $5 higher than the next guy they didn't lose one job they lost thousands of jobs so it is a builder problem the way the bidding process is because they're always looking for cheapest price but they're not saying I want cheaper rollers the install the installing company that's selling it to the builders is the ones that's finding out how do I cut costs so I can get this thousand home project so but it comes back to the builder because within year one there's warranties generally on things like that in the builder has to then make good on it yes and and even a poor door sometimes will last longer than a year usually right past the builder warranty what a coincidence like everything else they put in nowadays tends to last about 18 months to three years and then it starts crumbling so and if it's crumbling or making weird noises if it gets stuck guess what else they they cheaped out on they cheaped out on the gauge of the metal the door can start buckling now you're looking potentially at a whole new door when it could have been saved if all we did is a yearly tune up so we could have saved yeah get your free garage door inspection regularly 125 it's absolutely free today there's only a few of those left and the lubin Toon not 250 it'll net down to only $170 today that is a fantastic offer 28134336322813433632 back to the 29 point inspection yes Sir and real quick on the last offer or on either offer if if you guys don't mind when you're talking to our CSR will you please tell them that you heard this on the radio or through check a pro because this is not normal pricing for everybody good point and there might be a little cause of of confusion there so just to mention it that way we we know what kind of price to do on that that way you can save your money and on the VIP card as long as you just say check a pro or radio I don't need to see it we don't need to see it just mention it and you'll get that that 25 off of any service that we do by the way so fantastic 2813433632 again a little slower 281 343 3632 you guys cover the greater Houston area so basically if people can hear you on the radio you can service them basically other than Galveston so friends would north of Friendswood we're we're more in the northwest but we'll go we'll go NE SW SE so up to Conroe up to Conroe humble so no problems at all Katie Sugarland Richmond Rosenberg call us 281-343-3632 29 point inspection so we wave the door we'll make sure the balance is right if not we'll bring that to your attention we're gonna check the cables cables are very important if they're fraying they need to go it's if they break your door slams your door will slam down OK we'll check the condition of the rollers as we just discussed we'll check the condition of the hinges sometimes hinges you say what what happens to hinge they can crack if they crack and break the door can get stuck and again the door can go crooked and fall out of the tracks which we don't wanna see you'll be trapped and and hey I've seen them on top of cars sadly and by the way as a homeowner do not attempt to fix your garage door regardless of what's wrong with it call an expert call a doctor you're not gonna operate on yourself right OK you shouldn't be operating on your door you're in danger and you don't even know it there's too much tension there get your free garage door inspection 281-343-3632 that's 281-343-3632 we'll be right back right after this stand by…